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€ 14.00

The End of a Regime: How Three European Dictatorships Ended

Конец режима. Как закончились три европейские диктатуры

In the second half of the 20th century, the last three dictatorships in Western Europe ended: the regimes of Franco in Spain, Salazar in Portugal, and the "black colonels" in Greece. Their citizens ultimately preferred a democratic system to an authoritarian one. In his book, political researcher and journalist Alexander Baunov (listed as a foreign agent) tells how the dictatorships of these three countries tried to prolong their existence and ended, about the differences and similarities of this transition as a result of a peaceful transformation in Spain, revolutionary events in Portugal, and a military adventure in Greece, and about the people thanks to or in spite of whom this transition took place.

ISBN: 978-5-9614-8245-4
Pages: 534
Publisher: Альпина паблишер
Year: 2023

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