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€ 12.00

Mujeres libres. Free women of Spain

Mujeres libres. Свободные женщины Испании

History cannot be made without courage, and the participants of Mujeres Libres had no shortage of courage. At the height of the Spanish Revolution, they fought for women's rights within the structures of the anarchist organizations of their time, for universal freedom and against fascism. They focused on education, health care and working conditions. More than 20,000 women were members of the Mujeres Libres organization.

This book contains testimonies about the dizzying possibilities of the revolution and events that can serve as lessons and resonate with everyone involved in modern social movements. It is a call for unification, especially among women, and a call for equality not after the revolution, but right now. The words of Mujeres Libres have been preserved for us in the pages of this inspiring work by Marta Ackelsberg.

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