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€ 16.00

Third life

"The Third Life" is a continuation of the previously published autobiographical novel by Alexander Podrabinek "Dissidents". The new book is about new times: the last years of socialism, the collapse of the USSR, the collapse of communism, the false leap towards democracy and the gradual slide into the Soviet past. Attempts to defend democratic values ​​are confronted with the vanity of politicians, the careerism of officials, the bias of human rights activists and the indifference of society to its own freedom. The book will be of interest to those who expect a repetition in Russia of the dramatic events that took place in the USSR at the end of the 20th century.

ISBN: 978-5-00166-633-2
Pages: 320
Publisher: Сам полиграфист, Эксито
Year: 2022

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